eVITA Forum 2010-11-29
Innomed Medical Zrt., „Moziterem”, 1146 Budapest, Szabó József u. 12.
9:00 Registration
9:30 Opening, Péter Hanák (eVITA Platform, Budapest, HU)
Morning Session – Security and Privacy
Moderator: Péter Hanák (eVITA Platform, Budapest, HU)
9:50 Gerda Geyer (FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft, Wien, AT): Ethical Issues in AAL Projects on the Austrian and European Levels
10:10 Krisztián Naményi (Kancellar.hu, Budapest, HU): I know what you did NEXT summer
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Hans Demski (Helmholtz Zentrum München, DE): ISO 13606 - Security requirements and distribution rules for Electronic Health Records
11:20 B. Csurgó, R. Geambasu, E. Kelemen, B. Megyesi, Zs. Somogyi (Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research, Institute for Applied Telecommunication Technologies, Budapest, HU): The Role of Ambient Intelligence in the Home-Based and Institutional Care of the Elderly. An Overview of the State-of-the-Art in Hungary
11:40 Discussion
12:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session – Ethics, Legal Questions, Psychological Aspects
Moderator: Pál Breuer (eVITA Platform, Budapest, HU)
13:30 Jackie Marshall-Cyrus (Technology Strategy Board, London, UK): Psychological Component in Relation to the Development of Assisted Living Technologies for the Ageing Population
13:50 Pál Miletics (Telenor, Budaörs, HU): Telemedicine and eHealth from the Mobile Operator’s Point of View
14:10 Javier Albalad Aiguabella (Medical College, Zaragoza, ES): Security of Medical Data, their Traslation into Electronic Support and their Study
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Lajos Izsó (Dept. of Ergonomics and Psychology, Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Budapest, HU): Coping with Ethical, Legal, and Psychological Aspects of the CARE Project
15:20 Axel Sigmund (VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, NCP AAL JP, Berlin, DE): Relevant Project in Germany with regard to the topics Security and Privacy
15:40 Csaba Dózsa (MedEcon, Budapest, HU): From Technology Innovation to Social Innovation – Ageing as an opportunity
16:00 Discussion
16:30 Closing, Péter Hanák (eVITA Platform, Budapest)
Posters on AAL and other related projects will be on display.