eVITA Forum 2010-04-29
Venue: Innomed Medical Zrt., ‘Projector room’, 1146 Budapest Szabó József u. 12.
13:30 Arrival, registration
14:00 Welcome speech, Hanák Péter (BME EMT)
14:10 Silvergate-112 (NKTH JÁP project; http://silvergate112.eu)
Assistive Medical and Social Monitoring and Alarm System – An Integrated Approach
Horváth Lajos (Profitexpert Kft.), Varga József (Innomed Zrt.)
14:30 EMERGE (EU FP6 project; http://emerge-project.eu)
Detecting dangerous situations at home
Vajda Lóránt (BZAKA IKTI)
14:50 BelAmi (NKTH NAP project; http://www.belami-project.org)
Developing the devices of electronic home
Megyesi Csaba (BZAKA IKTI)
15:10 Break, refreshments
15:30 Posters, demos, discussions
- Gathering data in the Silvergate-112 system, Kiss N., Patai G. (BME EMT)
- HOME EKG module, Varga J. (Innomed)
- Local Control Centre (Helyi Vezérlő Központ, HVK), Bakó I., Haraszti P., Somogyi T. (BZAKA)
- Monitoring activity by movement detection and measuring power consumption, Vajda F. (BME IIT)
- Testing dexterity (Nine Hole Peg Tester), Jobbágy Á., Tóth Cs. (BME MIT)
- Service support in the Silvergate-112 system, Kovácsházy T. (BME MIT)
- Guardbelt, Guardwatch, Bakonyi Gy. (BZAKA IKTI)
- Personal Electronic Nurse, Tóth A. (BZAKA IKTI)
- Medicine and activity reminder and planner, Jánossy M. (BZAKA IKTI)
- Using EnOcean sensors, Helfenbein T. (BZAKA IKTI)
- Monitoring activities of daily living (ADL), Adorjáni A., Pruzsinszki B. (BZAKA IKTI)
- BATSYstem: ultrasonic localisation system, Parisek Zs., Ruzsa Z. (BZAKA IKTI)
16:30 The activities and plans of eVITA Platform, Hanák Péter (eVITA Platform)
17:00 Closing words