IncuTechSem - Előadásdiák (angolul)
A 2009. október 12-én Budapesten megrendezett magyar-izraeli műszaki inkubációs és technológiatranszfer szemináriumon elhangzott előadások diáit töltheti le erről a lapról.
- Technological Incubators Program, Israel, by Ms. Rina PRIDOR, Founder and former General Director (Israel)
- Incubation, Startups,Innovation in Israel – through Hungarian Eyes, by Mr. László KORÁNYI, Science and Technology Counsellor (Hungarian Ambassy, Tel Aviv)
- The New Technology Incubator Programme in Hungary, by Mr. Vilmos NÉMETH, General Director (Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology)
- Selected research and innovation results at Hungarian universities, potential incubation topics, mid-term plans at BME, by Mr. Sándor TÖMÖSKÖZI, Associate Professor (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- Introducing Semmelweis Innovations - Success conditions and barriers for start-ups, spin-offs and technological incubators in Hungary, by Mr. Zsombor LACZA, CEO (Semmelweis University of Medicine)
- Introducing BME VIKING Plc.- Success conditions and barriers for start-ups, spin-offs and technological incubators in Hungary, Mr. Gábor FELSŐ, Business Development Director (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- Technology incubation experiences in Hungary: From Mind to Market - the story of ValDeal, by Ms. Ildikó P. MÁJER, President and Managing Director (Val Deal)
- The Big Technological Incubator - The Way to Innovate in Israel, by Mr. Hanan GEFEN (Israel)
- Technology Start-up Experiences in Hungary and Abroad, by Mr. András PUNGOR, Director, (Nanotechnological Institute, Bay Zoltán Foundation for Applied Research)